Povestea brandului romanesc NOR Clothing a inceput in noiembrie 2019, atunci cand eu impreuna cu sora mea, devenite mame de curand, am hotarat sa cream oitfituri moderne pentru copiii nostri.
Am analizat piata din Romania si ne-am dat seama ca nu gaseam ceva care sa se potriveasca in totalitate cu ceea ce ne doream noi de la o tinuta perfecta. Lipseau hainele comode, de calitate dar totodata moderne si fashion.
Fiind pasionate dintotdeauna de moda , ne-am luat inima in dinti si am pornit impreuna pe acest drum.
Ne-am lasat conduse de intuitie si am incercat sa introducem un stil unisex pentru cei mai mici ambasadori ai modei. Am vrut efectiv sa dam viata garderobei unui copil si clientii nostri sa ne tina minte.
Toate colectiile le-am facut kids-friendly realizate din bumbac de calitate.
Pe parcursul calatoriei noastre de pana acum, avand in vedere ca stilul Nor poate fi definit ca "mini adults", am realizat si matching outfituri copii-adulti si am fost surprinse de cata lumea ne-a imbratisat stilul chiar si in randul adultilor.
The story of Romanian brand NOR Clothing started in November 2019, when my sister and I, who recently became mothers, decided to create modern outfits for our children.
We analyzed the Romanian market and realized that we could not find something that would completely match what we wanted from a perfect outfit.
The comfortable, quality clothes, but also modern and fashionable was missing .
Being always passionate about fashion, we set out on this journey together.
We let ourselves be guided by intuition and tried to introduce a unisex style for the youngest ambassadors of fashion. We really wanted to give life to a child's wardrobe and our customers to remember us.
We made all the collections kids-friendly made of quality cotton.
During our trip, considering that the Nor style can be defined as "mini adults", we also made matching child-adult outfits and we were surprised by how many people embraced our style even among adults.
For us, childrens come first, and we express that through our design . They need clothes that allows them to feel free to movements :)
The small details make the ordinary look different !
Thank you for trusting us,
Nor Clothing Team